

I believe in angels. I will elaborate more on this over time but simply put, I liken my angels as messengers from Spirit. From God. Some people may call angels guides or you may be one to never call them at all. I sincerely hope my admission doesn’t have you rolling your eyes, running, and never viewing the blog again. Personally, I like believing I have a team of helpers as I strategize this experience called my life. 

My angels have encouraged me to write and paint for no other reason than for me to stay connected to a creative life force. I benefit using this energy for inspiration, creating the life I desire with an open mind and an open heart.   

My angels readily communicate when asked. They are chatty, they have a great sense of humor, and want to be of service. I am always delighted with their company. I have had the great pleasure of communicating with my tribe of angels through Whitney Lamb, Angel Channeler, and Psychic Medium,

Angels show themselves to me on my nature walks, the wildlife I see, in butterflies and ladybugs. They use people, places, and things to show me (and keep me on) the path of the right way. Occasionally their message is not so subtle. My angels use a gentle, but firm nudge from time to time. They know I appreciate and respond to ‘direct’ communication and that I am committed to growth. 

A few personal messages from my angels. I think they would be so happy to see I am sharing!

Meditate. Then meditate some more.

Live in the present moment. Pay attention.

Seek nature. “We will show ourselves to you in nature. Trust what you feel and see”.

Trust the process. We have your back. TRUST

Love yourself fiercely. We do.

Okay...I may have paraphrased a bit.

Be well. Think about calling upon your heavenly friends. 




Balancing Action