I want to tell you something, I feel a howl rising

This howl, if not expressed could be the end of me 

I feel this release coming from my body and soul

I have been afraid to howl because I was taught not to 

I fear the enormity of my howl will stop conversations

Stop traffic, and birds will drop from the sky.

The atmosphere is forced to yield as my howl takes space

The heat burns contracts, both spoken and written

The power breaks shackles of the past and present

I howl for the wounds of the earth mother

I howl for injustice, brutality, the lies

I howl for those who can not, being too sick, weak, or afraid

This action will free me, creating space for healing

Isn’t that what I’ve wanted? To be heard, to be seen?

Free of the pain of suppression and coerced silence

Life goes on

No one heard

No one had to

I did

Birds continued to fly, and I am beginning to reign



