Walking On


It is often said that endings bring new beginnings. When one door closes another opens. These phrases imply there is opportunity in the unknown, or maybe something better suited for us awaits.  

As my time in Costa Rica grew short, I felt as if I wasn’t ready to leave. I was closing a door so to speak and acknowledged the emotions connected to this ending. I told myself I needed more time before walking through the threshold to the next opportunity. 

I can’t bring the tropical sun with me when I move forward, nor the iguanas and jungle sounds I have become so familiar with. I will miss the kind faces of the local people. Although I leave these things, I will take the memories and feelings with me. Hopefully, during this trip, I learned to embody the open consciousness, peace, and acceptance I feel naturally in Costa Rica.

My visit this year to Costa Rica has ended and adventure awaits. I will always appreciate the practical and simple takeaways that are part of the nature of my Costa Rica zen.

I feel good following the rhythm of the tropical sun rising and setting. I go to bed early and get up with the rising sun.

I love eating fresh papaya, mangos, and pineapple for breakfast. 

I appreciate doing the dishes right after eating.

I appreciate not making my bed every morning.

I learned not all waves are created equal. Some require diving deep and waiting.

I appreciate knowing I am part of nature.

I learned a beach walk in the rain is a gift.

I learned the joys in life can be so simple, and for this, I am so very grateful.




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