Turn Up the Volume

I am sharing Inspiring words from my band of angels. I am going to write from my notes, as was conveyed to me through a medium, Whitney Lamb. If you are one to reject the notion of angels, read it anyway. There may be a word or two, or a notion that will inspire you…you know, food for thought.

So my angels said to me…

Turn up the volume of your own music Wren. 

Literally, turn it up. Dance. Move. Celebrate. Because you can. You are A L I V E. Loosen up.

Turn up the volume to the knowings of your heart. Listen. Trust your intuition. Turn up the volume - raise awareness for yourself and others. Springtime is here. There is a promise of new possibilities, new life. 

TRUST the process and business of life. Lighter energy is coming in March and April.  Draw attention to the light energy, and don’t be afraid to share your beliefs. Think peace, talk about peace, model peace, meditate and pray for peace. New leaders will emerge, and innovative thinking shared. Old systems will fail. Old ways will collapse. The smokescreen of propaganda is lifting globally. People are waking up. The world will wake up.

Digital currency IS a thing. 

Yes Wren, it is hard. Be still with it. Resist acting impulsively. Respect dual processes. Do nothing.  Stay with your upset. Be easy as best you can. 

My session ended and my band said, “Until we speak again. Any time, any day. Just ask.”


Say What You Mean. Stop, Look, and Listen


Peace Be with You