Knowing, Acceptance, Gratitude

There was a time in my life I bristled hearing the expression self love, learning there was a thing, a practice, of loving oneself. I was fairly convinced that (as a woman) this indulgence would further identify me as being emotional and weak. At this time in my life, I suppose I bought into the popular narrative that women adopting more masculine characteristics and strategies were independent and strong. Observing the strong and independent men in my sphere, none were busy loving themselves. Secondly, was my buried secret, the suspicion I was a fraud, and frankly quite unloveable. Self Love? Nonsense.

It has taken years for me to understand the concept of self love and the life giving necessity of valuing myself, as well as eradicating the belief of being somehow  fraudulent or unloveable. I am honing in on something that works for me to honor all of my experience and be open to the best of what life offers. 

“Love is a truth, and the tradition within your physical dimension of love is attraction. It is in that knowing and appreciation, genuine appreciation, which appreciation is expressed in acceptance. In this, the knowing is also significant, actual knowing of yourself and knowing another individual and expressing an acceptance which generates an appreciation. This is the genuine expression of love.”

- Taken from an excerpt from channeled transcripts of Elias defining love. January 26, 2002

I have discovered a deep knowing and acceptance of myself, and loving myself defines my truest desires. From there, the rest is easy breezy. Love on! 

“A woman in chains” you once said.

“Holding up appearances is your specialty.”

I was infuriated at the time

It was only a line to further your seduction.

I have stopped keeping up appearances

Dropping the so-called chains.

To be myself. To follow my desire.

Finding my way, knowing and loving myself

Finally, I can say thank you.


Time to Change the Narrative

