The Love Vibe 528 Hz 

In astrology, the balsamic moon, also known as the waning crescent moon, is said to have several spiritual meanings. Responding to last month's astrological recommendation for creating magic, I set the stage to meditate with my special objects and candles. I was ready to reflect, release, and recharge. I set my intention and asked my angels to deliver something. I had the thought, tell me what I need to know. Then I promptly fell asleep!

I was slightly disappointed with myself when waking in the morning for missing which was to be deliberate participation in a meditation. I thought best to give myself another chance that morning, so I sat to meditate. What followed was an extraordinary experience. Transcendental. I asked, and boy did they deliver. Something.

I was buzzing and my energy felt electric. I did not feel nervous or anxious with this increased amperage, more of a lively ambience, vibrant and thrilling. I opened my eyes to look at my body in order to see if I was floating or flying. The sensation in my body expanded outward. I felt connected to all things good. The thought came to me: I was connected to the vibration that love is said to have. Amazing.

I talk about love vibes all the time with my energy worker, spiritual guide, confidant, Good Witch Wendy (Wendy Watchendorf, Durango CO in case you are curious). I appreciate learning how to cultivate this higher vibration and hopefully to maintain it being out and about in the world. I know my vibes are high when all the right people come to me at just the right time. I feel aligned when I get all green lights driving, when I find a close parking space, and when my massage therapist calls me with a cancellation for exactly the time I wanted!

I know I’m nearing 528 Hz when I speak from the heart and share the love that I feel and would like to cultivate. Always choose love in the moment. Always


Attention Given