A portion of my writing exercise looks like this:
I am afraid of the unknown. I choose to move forward.
Everything is unknown! I choose to move forward and grow.
I am afraid and sad to leave friends and family. I choose to move.
I am sad to leave WA. I choose to move to CO.
I am afraid I have made a mistake. I am afraid I won’t like it. I choose to move forward.
Yes, yes. This was helping. I gathered up the diffused energy and felt steady. I continued with more of the truth…I recognized some patterns….
I am afraid to let go of my stress. I choose to be calm. I choose to change my patterns.
I am afraid to let go of the state of overwhelm. I choose to handle what comes my way calmly and confidently. I choose to change and grow.
I am afraid to recognize my own power...I choose to be successful.
I am free to choose the direction of my life. I dedicate living my life with heart and meaning.