

Two weeks ago the story I was telling myself was “too much”, as in, all that I was attempting to do was too much to handle. I repeated it out loud several times a day reinforcing my perception. No surprise really when the simplest task became too much, and I began to doubt myself. 

My energy was scattered and it was difficult for me to move through this. It was difficult to feel anything but overwhelmed. It was suggested to me to write about what I was so afraid of. Afraid? Me? I didn’t feel afraid, life was just damn hard!

A portion of my writing exercise looks like this:

I am afraid of the unknown. I choose to move forward.

Everything is unknown! I choose to move forward and grow.

I am afraid and sad to leave friends and family. I choose to move.

I am sad to leave WA. I choose to move to CO.

I am afraid I have made a mistake. I am afraid I won’t like it. I choose to move forward.

Yes, yes. This was helping. I gathered up the diffused energy and felt steady. I continued with more of the truth…I recognized some patterns….

I am afraid to let go of my stress. I choose to be calm. I choose to change my patterns.

I am afraid to let go of the state of overwhelm. I choose to handle what comes my way calmly and confidently. I choose to change and grow.

I am afraid to recognize my own power...I choose to be successful.

I am free to choose the direction of my life. I dedicate living my life with heart and meaning.




Too Much