

I have considered a move to Durango Colorado for years. My decision to act on an opportunity that landed in my lap this week is more than likely to have a profound effect on my future. Timing is everything, right? I have a saying with my sister, it’s not clear until it’s clear! Last night I went to sleep wondering what to do - and should I say yes, how to accomplish it. I planned to dream my answers. Instead of an answer, I woke with thoughts of raging wildfires, drought, Covid variants, my delayed passport which is sabotaging my August trip, and last but definitely not least, do I move or do I stay?       

Propped in bed with a cup of coffee, I began to write morning pages longhand to clear these racing thoughts from my anxious dream state. I intended to write I want a safe place for myself, only I wrote I want a safe palace for myself (this statement itself surprised me because I love my current safe palace). I decided to roll with the thought and keep writing. This is what I wrote:

In my safe palace, I choose my thoughts and activities carefully. Consciously. I trust my inner knowing and honor myself by making careful decisions. I have healthy boundaries and am deliberate with my words and actions. I am creative and successful as an artist. I am healthy and active. I am free to cultivate and follow my dreams. My palace is spacious and open. Friends and family are happy to come visit my new palace, city, and state. I am thrilled with the snow that covers the palace, like lace in winter.

I am familiar with the words in my morning pages as often they serve as my daily affirmations. I closed my eyes to focus on the details. I saw and felt the energy of my safe palace. My new palace.

Raging wildfires and drought? Yes, sadly a reality. All is well in my world, I am safe. Covid and variants still life-threatening and influencing our choices? Sadly, yes. All is well in my world, I am healthy and safe.

Passport delayed? No longer an issue. Trip is in place. All is well in my world, I am safe and ever SO grateful for the life I live.

Yes to opportunity. Yes to adventure. Yes to my new palace.


Too Much

